Supplying colour coded bags to customers enables them to separate waste before collection, reducing cross contamination and making types of waste easily identifiable. In most instances coloured bags are translucent so that it is also easy for those handing rubbish to easily see what is inside. This can help avoid waste being dealt with incorrectly.
It is in very businesses and persons interest to recycle as much as possible and by separating waste at source you are ensuring that more of it can be recycled easily and efficiently. Encouraging your staff to do so in the workplace, can also have a knock-on effect and hopefully will encourage them to do the same at home as well.
Adhering to Waste Legislation
In many local area’s councils will require a yearly report that details the waste you have produced and also what happened to it. By using coloured polythene waste bags, you are showing that you are complying with regulations to separate out your waste and aren’t at risk of disposing of hazardous waste alongside more general rubbish (which could lead to an organisation being fined at the very least).
Your waste collection company should be fully insured and licensed and will be able to provide all relevant paperwork required to illustrate that you are indeed ensuring your waste is dealt with appropriately and according to current legislation and best practise. Your waste collection provider can also offer advice about exactly how to separate out waste, what can and can’t be recycled and tips about alternatives that can be used to help reduce your company’s environmental impact.
It is vital that you do your due diligence in choosing a waste collection service as if any of your rubbish is fly tipped then you are still responsible. As a general rule, ask to see all relevant licenses and insurance and keep your own copies to avoid any future issues. Most companies will supply their own colour coded polyethene waste bags, but if they don’t, they can offer advice on which ones you will need to purchase.
Abbey Polythene’s Coloured Polythene Waste Sacks
At Abbey we make sure our waste sacks are strong and robust to avoid bags ripping and contents spilling out onto the road or causing contamination issues. We can provide printed bags with waste collection company’s logo, details or instructions added. It can sometimes be useful to brave printed on the bags exactly what they should be used for.
We use high quality materials but will balance use with cost so that you end up with a product that matches both. Simply choosing the cheapest option can end up costing you more in the long run, whether it’s through sub-standard products that rip and tear easily, to not actually receiving the quantity on each roll that you may think you have ordered (yes, there are some unscrupulous companies out there).
Find out more about our coloured polythene waste sacks.