
Plastic bottles
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Plastic bottles

Plastic Eating Enzyme Discovery

May 10th 2018

A mutant enzyme that can break down plastic bottles and containers has been making the news lately. This plastic-eating protein could revolutionise the recycling of plastic and allow for the full recycling of PET bottles.

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confidential waste disposal
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confidential waste disposal

Confidential Waste Legislation and Disposal

March 21st 2018

Disposing of confidential waste in the UK is governed by laws such as the Data Protection Act 1998 and in the EU the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

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polythene sheeting on a farm
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polythene sheeting on a farm

Polythene Sheeting, a Versatile Product

January 29th 2018

Polythene sheeting is a plastic film made from petroleum (you may also hear it referred to as polyethylene sheeting, poly sheeting, plastic sheeting, plastic film and poly film). It’s an incredibly versatile product used in a wide range of applications.

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Offensive waste disposal
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Offensive waste disposal

Offensive Waste Disposal of Non-Clinical Waste

November 3rd 2017

The government website describes Offensive Waste as non-clinical waste that’s non-infectious and doesn’t contain pharmaceutical or chemical substances, but may be unpleasant to anyone who comes into contact with it. Offensive waste is further divided into two types, healthcare offensive waste and municipal offensive waste.

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polythene manufacturing
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polythene manufacturing

How are Polythene bags made?

September 19th 2017

The plastic bags people are most familiar with are generally made from polyethylene. This consists of long chains of ethylene monomers which are derived from natural gas and petroleum. The polyethylene used for plastic bags can be low density, mid density or high density and further additives can be used to add tints, etc.

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Polythene waste sack
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Polythene waste sack

Polythene Waste Sacks for Clearance Companies

July 21st 2017

Recycling has had to become part of our everyday lives. It’s one the easiest ways we can reduce our impact on the environment and few people would dispute that it’s ‘the right thing to do’. However there are still a lot of people who see recycling as an inconvenience and too much effort and unless waste clearance companies make it as easy as possible to recycle there will continue to be far too much going into landfill.

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Supermarkets in the UK
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Supermarkets in the UK

The Rise and Rise of the Budget Supermarket

June 22nd 2017

For many decades, the landscape when it came to supermarket shopping in Britain was largely unchanging. The vast majority of people would regularly shop at one of the big four supermarkets of Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda or Morrison’s,

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recycling plastics still vital
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recycling plastics still vital

What is Biodegradeable and Compostable Polythene?

May 24th 2017

Plastics are versatile and cheap materials which are used in a huge variety of different ways in modern life. Comparatively strong whilst being light and flexible, the synthetic chemicals are utilised in everything from packaging to furniture production.

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scented polythene bags
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scented polythene bags

Why Use Scented Polythene Bags for your Business?

April 26th 2017

No matter what the exact nature of your business is, you are likely to produce a fair degree of waste and rubbish. Some businesses, such as those involved in food production or service, obviously produce far more.

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newt being protected by newt fencing
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newt being protected by newt fencing

Everything you Need to Know About Newt Fencing

March 15th 2017

If you’ve ever visited or walked past a construction site in a rural area or driven along a busy road through the British countryside, the chances are that you will have seen newt fencing. You might even have spent a moment or two wondering about what it is and what exactly it’s for.

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